After graduating from the University of Stellenbosch Business School and receiving his BA.LLB and MBA degrees, Johann commenced his career at KWV in Paarl. His first responsibility was for the national marketing of their products – an area in which he gained valuable experience within the wine industry.

Subsequently he decided to return to their family vineyards where he joined his younger brother in taking over from their father – Johann focussing on marketing and Paul on production. One of their mayor achievements was being awarded the trophy for International Winemaker of the Year in London – four times up to now. In the years thereafter the selection in the country as the best Winemaker of the Year, best Wine of the Year and even the best Farm Worker of the Year rarely passed Kanonkop. Nowadays they harvest, prepare, mature and then bottle around 3000 ton of wine grapes per annum. Their products are sold locally but also exported to 60 countries worldwide.

Apart from his own business, Johann was also involved as director of KWV and as chairman of both Stellenbosch Wine Routes Association and Wines of SA as well as vice-chairman of both SAWIS and VINPRO. And to further demonstrate their interests in life, Johann and his wife Marie love to arrange special braai-events on Kanonkop. You will find both of them busy in the kitchen and at the fireplace doing the work themselves!

Kanonkop – Tasting room and art collection

Johann se siening

"Belangrikste is dat jy passie moet hê vir dit wat jy doen"

Natuurlik gaan jy niks bereik sonder harde werk nie. En benewens al die akademiese teorieë en geleerde boeke, geld twee beproefde beginsels steeds oor die eeue:

  • ‘n Sterk balansstaat en goeie kontant bestuur.
  • Kontant is koning. Kontant is suurstof.


Johann stam uit die Oude Libertas Tak.

Hy is in 1953 in Stellenbosch gebore, gaan skool by Paul Roos Gimnasium en skryf dan in as student by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Na voltooiing van sy studies begin hy by KWV in die Paarl werk. Hy ervaar dit as ‘n spesiale geleentheid om homself voor te berei om daarna die familieplaas Kanonkop by sy vader oor te neem en saam met sy jonger broer Paul dit as een van die voortreflikste wynplase te ontwikkel.

Johann is met Marie van der Merwe getroud en hulle en het twee dogters:

  • Helené – getroud met Dustin Osborne, wynmaker by Mont Rochelle, Franschhoek.
  • Mary Constantia – getroud met Arnold Bredenhann. Marcia is werksaam op Kanonkop en hy is siviele ingenieur en HUB by ’n firma in die siviele konstruksiebedryf.