Rénier studied at various institutions over many years. He completed his B.Com at UNISA, then a MA degree in Leading Innovation and Change at York St. John University in the UK, a Senior Management Program at the Business School of Stellenbosch University and is currently a PhD candidate at the Monarch Business School in Zürich, Switzerland, where his research topic is associated with validating that the Business Value Model™ can be used as an analytical framework for assessing business performance within agriculture internationally.

In 2009 and after a 20-year career in the corporate world, he resigned to start a consulting business doing wat he did before, but now with an entrepreneurial perspective. With some colleagues having the same vision, they formed a company that they called inavitiQ – derived from the words innovation and intelligence. Rénier also merged his first business, HRDirect, into inavitiQ.

There were tough times. Rénier recalls the first years as follows: “Nothing could have prepared me for the harshness and rigour of entrepreneurship. In the first three years business trickled in and building this brand took every bit of energy and every ounce of resolve, persistence and resilience from us. For another two years thereafter we continued living on the breadline and re-investing every Rand back into growing our brand. After six years we started to see more than anticipated movement and after ten years, growth in both our revenue and EBIT level, has been truly phenomenal. Today we have 50 permanent employees, mostly highly graduated and some 50 ad-hoc partners operating in the RSA, Mauritius and the Netherlands. Our purpose and commitment to our clients remain very basic: mindful collaboration to deliver sustainable business benefits.

Application in practice

The Business Value Model™ - Our key thinking framework

Message from Rénier

The younger you are - the less you have accumulated in life and the less commitments you have - the easier it will be to start a business. I worked in Corporate for the first 20 years of my working life and then at the age of 43, started this business. If I started it at the age of 23 years, it still would have been challenging, but by now I would have had 30 years of businss growth and not just 10!

"Consistency, quality, diligence, patience and an unreserved commitment to solving the problems and issues of your clients, are all non-negotiables for success."


Rénier stam uit die Piketberg Tak.

Hy is in 1966 in Bellville gebore en met Eloïse van Zyl getroud. Hierdie gesin verskyn meermale in die Krige Nuusbriewe#056 van 1994 (geboorte van hul drieling) en dan #125 van 2019 (huwelik van hul oudste). Hul kroos bestaan uit Rayno, Lisa-May, Monique (jonk oorlede), Donné (jonk oorlede), Carmen, Jeanné en Roché.