After completing his matric at HF Verwoerd High School in Pretoria, Ado joined the Permanent Force of the SA Army and received his Infantry instructor training in Oudtshoorn.  Thereafter he was stationed at 5 SAI Battalion in Ladysmith KZN where he trained hundreds of young men for the next three years in preparation for the ensuing border wars. In the following years it took Ado some time to get direction in his further training. He worked in the corporate environment focussing on marketing, but his real vision was much higher.

In 2004 he enrolled online at the Master’s Divinity School in USA for a B.Min degree in Biblical Counsel. Then through personal contacts he was given the opportunity to further his studies where he successfully completed his doctoral thesis at the Therapon University – an institute based on online learning with a vision to equip the Body of Christ for ministry, and commenced with his mission which could be described as:

"We are in the business of helping people throughout SA to break the bondage of addiction and depression. Just as important, however, is to place something in the vacuum which is created – faith."

Today, with 30 years of experience, Ado is considered an authority in this field. He has published two books on his work and features on national TV, radio stations and printed media addressing the issues of today. He and his wife Annatjie are co-owners of Freedom Therapy CC which operates as House Regeneration.

Application in practice

His business was built over many years, starting with nothing more than just belief in his mission. With time three entities were developed which could be described in general terms as House Regeneration (HR) for breaking away from the drug rehab. The two HR centres enjoy prime locations less than 20km from Pretoria central. These provide a tranquil farm atmosphere, removed from the hustle and bustle of the urban lifestyle.  Students are housed in typical school hostel accommodation where there is continuous interaction with peers, leaders and management. The facilities, as they operate today, consist of the following:

HR for men

Here they provide a healthy and progressive environment in which men can develop their roles as kings and priests in the world out there. This is facilitated by a caring discipline structure, one-by-one counselling and solid teaching of God’s word. Developing a healthy masculine identity is further facilitated with strength and fitness training and for two years in a row the HR team won the annual Jeep Warrior obstacle course challenge.

HR for women

This dedicated house for ladies is focussed on helping woman who have suffered from addiction and bondage to rediscover their dignity and to build a solid identity in Jesus. They are offered handy life skills classes that these future princesses can use in their lives and homes in the future.

Vaalwater Regeneration

This is a game farm situated outside the town Vaalwater in Limpopo. This is seen as the final phase of the recovery programme. After 8 months in the HR’s, a student becomes a shepherd and then qualifies to go to Vaalwater Regeneration for the finalising and polishing- off of the regenerated person, he or she has become.  Here the students have more intense and more focused workstations as well as having lectures from Ado and Annatjie to prepare them for the outside world as a new creation in Christ! Vaalwater is also an operative farm where basic foods for the various facilities are produced. This is where Ado and Annatjie currently reside.

Ado se siening

Besef dat wat lyk na mislukking en terugslae in die lewe, juis die instrumente is om die beste in jou na vore te laat kom. Moet jouself nooit vergelyk met ander nie, jy is nie dieselfde nie. As jy iets gaan aanpak, doen dit met die doel om dit te voltooi. Lees jou Bybel elke dag om daaruit te leer hoe om saam met ander mense te leef.


Willem Adolph – sy noemnaam is Ado – stam uit die Prins Albert Tak.

Hy is in 1947 in Standerton gebore. Sy oupa Ado Krige was ‘n bekende leiersfiguur in die Kerk se Sendingaksie in Midde-Afrika. Sy pa weer was ‘n toegewyde maatskaplike werker in Bloemfontein. Ado word dus groot in ‘n gelowige omgewing. Maar in sy jeug het Ado se lewensloop ontspoor en het hy die slaaf van verdowingsmiddels en satanisme geword. Op ‘n uiters harde manier leer hy om die bose uit sy lewe te verban deur tot bekering te kom en die positiewe van geloof in die vakuum van sy lewe te plaas. Hierdie resep is steeds die basis van sy missie. Ado se eerste huwelik het op die rotse geloop. Sy tweede huwelik met Annatjie Oosthuizen kan as ‘n bestiering gesien word, want sy pas perfek in die raamwerk van House Regeneration se doelwitte en werksmetode.

Annatjie en Ado